Billboard Campaign
Every month, at-risk women call the help line from the area surrounding our billboard in northern New Jersey.
We know that because we examine the log of the area codes from which the calls originate, and
they come from the geographic vicinity of the billboard, basically northern NJ
and the NY metropolitan area. The billboard is the only medium in which the help line number
is advertised in these areas.
How many lives have the billboards saved?
We believe that the message itself has persuaded thousands of viewers to seek help for their pregnancies
other than through the help line, and has persuaded friends and family of potential abortion seekers
to encourage mothers-to-be to continue their pregnancies.
The final tally of lives saved will never be known in this world. That doesn't matter. As the Talmud teaches:
For this reason was man created alone, to teach thee that whosoever destroys a single soul...
scripture imputes [guilt] to him as though he had destroyed a complete world;
and whosoever preserves a single soul...,
scripture ascribes [merit] to him as though he had preserved a complete world.
Other Advertising
- Banners for installation on properties of churches, schools and other institutions.
- Transit Posters
- Direct Mail