Family & ProLife News Briefs – January 2023 Newsletter

New Year & New Start To Promote the Dignity of Human Life

Rally for Life – in D.C. or Home State?

Many supporters of human life again will be attending the national March for Life in Washington, DC, on Friday, January 20th. Especially positive are the ever-increasing numbers of high school and college students who enliven the whole day with their singing, praying and enthusiasm for the goal of respecting life from conception to natural death. Others arrive the day before and attend programs, galas and evening church services.

One notable program, Life Fest, is being sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life who invite everyone to attend a morning rally featuring dynamic speakers, music, Holy Mass, and more. Held at the D.C. Entertainment and Sports Arena, the program runs 7:30-10:30 am on Jan. 20th, right before the March for Life.. asks: Why Life Fest? The answer: Because Every Human Person Is Made in God’s Image; Because Our World Is Crying out for Healing; Because Love Is the Answer.

Some state respect life groups are planning rallies for later in the year. For example, New Jersey is planning a Rally for Life on Saturday, June 24, 2023, 11 am – 1 pm, outside the State House Annex in Trenton to celebrate the anniversary of the Dobbs Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

What Do Love & Marriage Mean Today?

For most people today, “marriage is about love.” The precise meaning of the word “love” is never spelled out too clearly, but most people seem to simply agree with President Barack Obama, who said that “love is love.” But this rejects thousands of years of wisdom about male-female relationships. Until very recently marriage was identified not as a sexual-romantic union dissolvable at will but as an subordination of feeling and “personal happiness” to the goal of a stable family for the raising of children. Today, both in no-fault divorce and in universal cohabitation, our society has clearly embraced the “love” union model, except ironically we now call it … marriage, out of cultural nostalgia or for the sake of respectability.

Our culture rejects that “marriage is between a man and a woman” when the dominant understanding rejects
as essential the possible bearing and raising of children (and thus sexual difference). But research indicates that both male and female parents serve best the welfare of children.

Today’s views reflect an inadequate understanding even of love itself. Ultimately, if one reflects deeply about the experience of love, one discovers what Servant of God Luigi Giussani called “the law of life”: Life is fulfilled only in making a complete, unconditional gift of self. This is what people really, though confusedly, seek in affective relationship. A love that can end is not a completely true love, because a gift that can be revoked is not a true gift.

This is the deeper reason why the bearing of children (at least as a possibility) is intrinsically part of the
definition of marriage, making it a “natural” institution rather than a mere legal fiction. The birth of a child can-
not be undone & literally “incarnates” the parents’ love.

Catholics need to keep advocating for public policies that support childbearing and reward parents who live with their children. But the more fundamental task is to give witness (in a society that has largely forgotten it) to the “great mystery” of the natural coming together of man and woman in a fruitful, indissoluble union. [excerpt from Carlo Lancellotti, Commentaries, 12/9/22]

Marriage & Divorce Declined in 2020

How did the pandemic affect existing marriages and relationships. While both marriage and divorce rates fell by double digits in 2020, a few more years of data are needed to determine the longer-term impact. 74% of married couples surveyed in late 2020 felt the pandemic strengthened their marriage, and 82% said it made them feel more committed.

Among singles, 74% are now looking to find a partner who wants to marry. This is the second year in a row where far more singles are eager for a committed long-term relationship compared with the prepandemic survey of 2019. Young people are much more inclined to focus on attributes that increase the odds of long-term relationship success. For years “physical attractiveness” has ranked among one of the topmost desirable attributes in a potential partner. This year, it has been knocked out of the top five most-desired traits. Instead, 92% of singles now rank “emotional maturity” & “comfortably communicating their needs & wants” among the most important traits. And the top attribute most singles are looking for is someone they can trust and confide in. This bodes well for longer, healthier relationships.

An important factor keeping marriages together is a strong desire to want the relationship to succeed. Just like most things in life, even in a relationship, if you really want it to work, you will pick the right priorities and make the right trade-offs to increase the odds of success. Also important are kindness and generosity—to yourself and your partner. [excerpted from Shar Dubey, Wall St. Journal, 12/15/22]

Adoption Fills a Mother’s Waiting Arms

As I hold my youngest baby in my arms, I am grateful for the choices his birth mother made that led him to
become a part of our family. I’m thankful for the radical hospitality she showed by carrying him for nine months and doing all she could to keep him healthy and safe. I’m thankful for the hours she spent poring over the profiles of waiting families and discerning which one she wanted her son to join. I’m especially thankful she chose us!

I’m thankful for the brave love shown by all my sons’ birth mothers and for all those women who choose life for their children. Being asked to be the mother of another woman’s child is the greatest gift I have ever received. If we can promote adoption as a good and empowering choice for mothers to make when they’re unable or unwilling to welcome a child, adoptions will certainly rise.

I pray that when faced with an unplanned, unwanted or crisis pregnancy, women will choose life for their babies
and see adoption as an empowering choice. I pray, too, that a waiting mother’s empty arms will soon be holding
a baby of her own.
[Excerpts from Leigh Snead, “Brave Love,” 12/18/22, © 2022 EWTN News, Inc. Reprinted with permission from the National Catholic Register –]

Hiding Truth Through Euphemism

For more than 50 years, pro-abortion activists have used euphemisms to hide the various horrible aspects of abortion. The Associated Press Stylebook sets the usage and grammatical format for hundreds of news agencies, laying out style and terms in an alphabetized book several hundred pages long. “Do not use the term ‘late-term abortion,’” the stylebook said in a December post on Twitter. “The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [ACOG] defines late term as 41 weeks through 41 weeks and 6 days of gestation, and abortion does not happen in this period.”

“This is absurd,” said LifeNews, a pro-life group. “When SCOTUS came up with three trimesters in 1973, late-term was understood to be post viability or the 3rd trimester. Redefining it to be the 6 days before term is not medicine; it’s propaganda designed to gloss over late-term abortions.” Another on Twitter said: “Is ‘Late-term abortion’ too aggressive a way to describe stabbing a viable unborn baby in the heart with a needle containing potassium chloride & delivering its lifeless corpse? The ghouls populating our elite class traffic in euphemism because they have nothing else.”

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote: “Partial-birth abortion is the term Congress has used to describe a procedure that crosses the line from abortion to infanticide. The doctor delivers a substantial portion of the living child outside his mother’s body — the entire head in a head-first delivery or the trunk past the navel in a feet-first delivery — then kills the child by crushing his skull or removing his brain by suction.”
[excerpt from Joseph Curl,, 12/8/22]

I was staring at my phone, weeping.

[This is what Kate Bachelder Odell wrote in the Wall St. Journal (12/14/22) in reviewing a book on motherhood by Jessica Grose.]

“My second son, then 7 days old, had flunked his hearing screening at the hospital, and since then I’d been harassed via emails, texts and phone calls that he needed more testing and might be deaf. It would ultimately prove a false alarm, but I couldn’t know that as I stared down at my baby. My husband corralled everyone in this mass meltdown into bed. It would be unwise, he told me, to continue reading about cochlear implants on the internet.”

The demands, uncertainties and complex emotions that accompany the arrival of children can be intense and
overwhelming. Ms. Grose concedes that raising children is easier now than in the past. She also says today’s parenting is “uniquely difficult in the amount of information we get about what we’re supposed to be doing.” A clinical psychologist reports many of her clients cite social media as a source of their “anxiety, jealousy, shame, guilt.”

In a revealing remark, one psychology professor tells Ms. Grose that “being forced to stop or reduce working” during the pandemic “took an emotional toll on moms.” But women often divert time or attention away from paid labor when they have kids. For most, the relationship will be far more valuable later in life than the few years of marginal retirement contributions they’d gain from working while paying for expensive child care. Overwhelming moments arrive, then pass. What you can handle will expand; what overwhelms you now will soon be routine. Life will be suffused with far more focus, substance and meaning and less self- absorption. Children will prevent you from pursuing personal ambitions at all costs—and thank God for that guard rail.

Aside from just having a ministerial preference for the unborn,
we also serve the poor, the imprisoned, the marginalized, the
oppressed, the sick and the aged. Whatever we need to do to
uphold the image and likeness of God in humanity is what we
do. Deacon Kevin Cummings, Archdiocese of Kansas City,
KS, on the pro-life apostolate, Deacons of Hope, that he
started with Deacon Doug Hemke, Kansas City-St. Joseph
Diocese, Missouri.

This free monthly newsletter is used by dozens of churches as a bulletin insert, and since 2013 has had over 30,000 readers. To receive each month’s issue in your inbox, email Frank Tinari, Ph.D. at

Mother of 13 and founder of ProLife Across America shares how men can help build a culture of life

Meet Mary Ann Kuharski on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show.

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(LifeSiteNews) — As the abortion movement threatens our communities and pushes the anti-life narrative worldwide, LifeSite remains committed to sharing the biggest voices and most influential leaders in the pro-life movement — with the most powerful yet in a brand-new episode of The John-Henry Westen Show. 

John-Henry Westen speaks with a mother of thirteen children, including six adopted children, Mary Ann Kuharski — founder of “ProLife Across America.” 

Kuharski’s remarkable pro-life experience comes from decades of building a culture of life through her own motherhood and her work for ProLife Across America. Her insights include: 

  • Exposing the sinfulness of contraceptives used even in marriage 
  • Raising children who can resist negative peer-pressure 
  • Overcoming the countless difficulties of parenthood  
  • The importance of faithfully raising one’s children  
  • Understanding the vocation of procreation 

Don’t miss out on this uniquely insightful interview on the spiritual significance and importance of motherhood from one of the most zealous pro-life advocates today — and on what other pro-lifers can learn from her wealth of experience as a mother, entrepreneur, and faithful Catholic.  

Kuharski also reveals the deep impact that husbands, fathers, and other men make to fight and win against the culture of death — building a culture of life for generations to come. 

“Men are natural providers and protectors. They want to help that woman,” she says.

LifeSite’s continued work at the forefront to protect life, faith, family, and freedom is now more important than ever. John-Henry’s interview with Mary Ann Kuharski is one you will not want to miss.  



Human Life Begins at… – December Newsletter

by Frank Tinari, Ph.D., Life Education Council Board of Trustees

Human Life Begins at…


Life: “This is rudimentary biology”

  •  “With the fusion of the sperm and the egg, a new human life begins. This is rudimentary biology — it has been settled science since the early 19th century. (Dr. Michael R. Egnor, prof. of neurosurgery & pediatrics, State Univ. of NY, Stony Brook, Evolution News, 2022)
  •  “At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature.” (American College of Pediatricians)
  •  “Although it is customary to divide human development into prenatal and postnatal periods, it is important to realize that birth is merely a dramatic event during development resulting in a change in environment.” (The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 5th ed., Moore & Persaud, 1993, Saunders, p. 1)
  •  “The new cell is a new combination of genetic material, resulting in an individual different from either parent and from anyone else in the world.” (Obstetric Nursing, 1980, p. 136, Sally B Olds)
  •  “Although life is a continuous process, fertilization is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new, genetically distinct human organism is thereby formed. … The combination of 23 chromosomes present in each pronucleus results in 46 chromosomes in the zygote.” (Human Embryology & Teratology, 2nd ed., 1996, pp. 8, 29, Ronan O’Rahilly & Fabiola Miller)
  •  “Each human begins life as a combination of two cells, a female ovum and a much smaller male sperm. This tiny unit, no bigger than a period on this page, contains all the information needed to enable it to grow into the complex structure of the human body. The mother has only to provide nutrition and protection.” (Clark, J., ed., The Nervous System: Circuits of Communication in the Human Body, Torstar Books Inc., Toronto, 1985, p. 99) [excerpts from: 44 Quotes From Medical Textbooks Prove Human Life Begins at Conception,, 11/1/22]

“Aside from just having a ministerial preference for the unborn, we also serve the poor, the imprisoned, the marginalized, the oppressed, the sick and the aged. Whatever we need to do to uphold the image and likeness of God in humanity is what we do.” Deacon Kevin Cummings, Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas

Former Abortion Director is Now Pro-Life

Reflecting upon his time with MSI, an abortion mill, Kevin Duffy describes how he “always knew that abortion involved taking a human life but I felt, at the time, confident in the belief that women would undergo abortions regardless, so it was better for these to take place in hygienic and safe conditions.” But when MSI began to promote self-managed DIY drugs, Mr Duffy felt deep concerns regarding the safety and well being of women. “Increasing numbers of women are presenting with incomplete abortions at facilities after self- administering abortion pills which they had bought in local drug shops.”

Mr. Duffy left MSI in March 2019. In 2020, the announcement that women in the UK could get abortion drugs through the mail prompted him to conduct a project which exposed the lack of safeguards and recklessness of the UK’s DIY home abortion scheme. 26 sets of calls were made, resulting in 26 packets of abortion drugs being sent out to women who essentially did not exist. Duffy said: “To think that after just two phone calls taking no more than an hour in total, a woman who doesn’t exist, is not pregnant, is not registered at the recorded GP surgery, who misleads the service provider about her medical history and her gestational age, even changes her gestational age mid-process, is able to obtain the abortion pills, a service for which the abortion provider is paid by the government. And they called this a fantastic advance in women’s healthcare.”

“Women are not being well served and are missing out on essential clinical assessments. They are left to manage the expulsions on their own at home—and with no follow-up care afterwards. This is a long, long way from the comprehensive, safe abortion care that the abortion industry claims to provide.” Mr Duffy became the
Executive Director of the largest UK pro-life group, saying: “I decided to put my knowledge and experience at the service of the pro-life movement. I am certain that the false narratives of the abortion industry which claim to ‘care about women’ can be defeated and a culture of life which truly cares about the well-being of women and safeguarding of human rights can be restored, so that one-day abortion will be rendered unthinkable.” [The
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, UK, 11/25/22]

Abortion Rate Drops 20% Since 2010

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released abortion data for the year 2020. Even though there was an overall reduction in the incidence of abortion, abortions increased in 29 of the 47 states that reported data. Of concern is the large increase in chemical abortions. From 2019 to 2020, the number of chemical abortions increased by 17.9%. Overall, the share of all abortions that were chemical abortions rose from 43.7% to 53.4% during that period. Under the current federal administration, the FDA allows women to get a chemical-abortion drug with no personal medical exam. The U.S. abortion rate fell by more than 20% since 2010. Overall, pro-lifers have succeeded in reducing the abortion rate by approximately 50% since 1980. The long-term decline in the U.S. abortion rate is very solid evidence of the positive impact of pro-life service, educational and legislative activities. [Michael New, Ph.D.,, 11/28/22]

The problem with “the wise and the learned” is not that they’re educated but that they are trying to govern and run their own lives on their own terms rather than living in obedience to God, with an attitude of receptivity like a child.
Bishop Robert Barron, Daily Gospel Reflection, 11/29/2022

A French Pro-Marriage Campaign

The U.S. could learn from one French organization that promotes marriage. “Based on the father/mother/child relationship, the family structure favors the renewal of ages and the stability of society,” states the website of La Manif Pour Tous (Demonstration for
All). It argues that children are not commodities to be traded and that mothers and fathers contribute to the public good by the raising of their children. “The family is the fundamental foundation of any society: the source of its human, cultural and economic wealth; an eminent place of solidarity, dignity, freedom and love.”

Children are the future of a society. They are also society’s most vulnerable members. La Manif argues: “Because it requires parents to provide for the moral & material direction of the family as well as the education of the children and the preparation of their future, marriage also protects the fruit of their love.” Civil marriage, then, protects the defenseless, whether spouse or child. [Fr. Patrick Briscoe, Our Sunday Visitor, 12/4/22]

A Woman’s Value

Drawing on her experience on America’s Next Top Model and her work as a fashion model, Leah Darrow exposes the lies we are told about our worth being tied to our appearance. She invites us to look again at the real meaning of beauty. In her book, The Other Side of Beauty: Embracing God’s Vision for Love and True Worth, she shows how we can reclaim true and lasting beauty–the kind that doesn’t depend on self-doubt, exploitation, or comparison–when we reflect God’s glory and embrace our value as he made us to be: strong, brave, and free. She says: “Only when we learn to see ourselves as God does can we leave behind our culture’s definitions and demands and find lasting joy.” []


LGBT activists privately hope to break having only two partners in a marriage, “to infect the straight world” with polyamory, and to “radically alter” or abolish marriage altogether. The practice, and advocacy, of non- monogamous “marriage” is one of the secrets buried in the LGBT movement’s closet. Kimberly Rhoten of the Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition announced that non-monogamy is “as large as the LGBTQ population in the United States.” The LGBTQIA2S+ movement has announced the latest addition to its ever-growing acronym: CNM, which stands for Consensual Non-Monogamy, or open relationships of the variety common in the LGBT community.

LGBT extremists view same-sex marriage & polygamy as ways to redefine, and ultimately abolish, marriage. Activist Masha Gessen admitted that “It’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.” Similarly, LGBT activist and journalist Michelangelo Signorile encouraged the LGBT movement to undermine “society’s moral codes” and “radically alter an archaic institution.” Christians’ argument that same-sex marriage will degrade the institution is coming to fruition.

Experts have long known two things: monogamous couples report higher levels of sexual and relationship satisfaction, due precisely to their exclusivity. “On a scale from 1 to 10 rating how crucial fidelity is to a successful marriage, young women’s average score was 9.8 and young men’s average was 9.7,” wrote Alan J. Hawkins of the National Marriage Project. Surveys consistently show that nine out of 10 Americans believe extramarital sexual relations are immoral. So how can social engineers break down widespread moral rejection of promiscuity? The same way they broke down public opposition to homo-sexuality: by declaring it is an inborn trait.

A stream of propaganda defining sexual preference fetishes as immutable traits has changed American morality. In 1972, 74% said “sexual relations between two adults of the same sex” is “always wrong.” In 2018, 58% said such relations were “not wrong at all.” Similarly, the few Americans who view polygamy as “morally acceptable” has nearly quadrupled since 2006.

“The concept of sexual freedom is promotion of the acceptance of deviant sex” said Peter LaBarbera, founder of Americans for Truth. Adopting an anything-goes sexual standard, and equating all relationships by labeling them “marriage,” is the next step toward abolishing the institution altogether, as same-sex marriage and polygamy advocates admit. [Ben Johnson, Same-Sex Marriage Advocates: Polygamy Is Next, The Washington Stand, 11/28/22]

This free monthly newsletter is used by dozens of churches as a bulletin insert, and since 2013 has had over 30,000 readers. To receive each month’s issue in your
inbox, email Frank Tinari, Ph.D. at

Open Letter Concerning the Killing of “Baby Amanda”

On November 3, 2022, National Public Radio (NPR) aired the sounds of the killing of a Child through abortion.

The baby has been name Baby Amanda Marie, for the name Amanda means “she who ought to be loved.”

To those who were involved in this killing, and to any others aware of it, we wish to communicate the following:

First, to the mother of this Child:

Dear Mother,

We are with you, and God is with you. We are not here to condemn or punish you, but to express our love and care for you. We wish we could have helped you avoid abortion; and even now, we want to help you heal from its wound, as we have helped so many others.

We do not know precisely what motivated you to have this abortion, nor how aware you were of what precisely an abortion is, i.e., that it is the taking of the life of a real human being, the taking of the life of your very own Child, Dear Mother.  We know that the abortion industry preys on vulnerable women—women who are in difficult situations, experiencing confusion in their minds and fear in their hearts—and this evil industry wickedly presents abortion as the “solution” to the problems of such women, whereas abortion will do nothing but greatly increase the problems of such women.

Further, this industry intentionally keeps women in ignorance concerning the reality of the development of their children and what an abortion does to those children.  We suspect that you were one of these women.  Did those who killed your baby tell you that your baby, at 11 weeks, already had a beating heart, brain waves, fingers, toes, etc., etc., etc., that your baby was, well, a baby?  Did they tell you that?  We doubt it.  Did they tell you that the abortion suction machine would rip your baby apart—that this Precious Child would likely try to avoid the killing machine (as other babies have been seen to do on ultrasounds—but, to no avail: that, eventually, that death machine would pull apart your baby, that your child’s beating heart would stop beating, that your child’s limbs would be sucked apart, etc., and that, afterwards, these killers of your baby would need to “assemble” all the various parts of your Precious Baby’s body to make sure they “got it all”.  Did they tell you this, Dear Mother?   Had they done so, we highly doubt you would have gone through with this “procedure” which, as you can tell, from this description here (which is only a small part of the full and horrific description of abortion), is nothing less that the destruction of a real human being, your Precious Little One.

Dearest Mother, our hearts go out to you, our hearts weep for you, and your Child.  We know that you were already in a difficult place interiorly to even consider abortion and, now, having ended the life of your Child, you are most surely in an even darker, more difficult place (and, if you do not recognize that yet, dear Mother, in due time, if you are honest, you will realize that you are hurting, deeply hurting).  As many women who have had abortions have said, abortion does not merely hurt women, it destroys them.

But, Dearest Mother, there is hope: Jesus Christ is your hope.  He is loving, He is merciful, He is your Savior.  Simply repent of your sin against your Precious Little One (whom we have taken the liberty to honor with the name of “Amanda Marie”, for “Amanda” means “she who ought to be loved” and “Marie” is a beautiful form of the name of the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus Christ).  Repent of your sin, Mother, and Christ will forgive you, as will your Little One, Baby Amanda.  We pray that, one day, in the next life, that you will be reunited with your Precious Little One in an eternity of joy; we pray that you can begin to experience this reconciliation with your Child even in this life, through repentance and a life of reparation.  Go to Jesus, receive the forgiveness that He offers through His Church (and the Sacraments of His Church), and then have hopeful confidence that, yes, one day, you WILL be with your Child again in an eternity of joy.  Amen.

To the abortionist and to the others who worked with him/her in murdering Baby Amanda,

Whereas we have good reason to believe that the mother of this Child (who, now, has a name, Baby Amanda) was largely ignorant of precisely what she was doing when she asked you for an abortion, we have little reason to believe that you were ignorant of the fact that abortion is murder.  For, you know full well the development of the Child, you know full well that abortion rips apart that Child, and, thus, you know full well that abortion is, in a word, murder, and murder of the worst kind: murder of the most innocent, defenseless, and precious human beings—little babies!—and before these Precious Little Ones can ever enjoy even the light of day!  Shame on you for murdering Baby Amanda!  We exhort you to repent of this brutal murder of a Precious Child in the womb, of Precious Baby Amanda, and that you go to Jesus Christ, begging for mercy. We exhort you to think about and picture Baby Amanda, and express your sorrow to her for taking her life!

We will pray for you, surely—for, our exhortations here are done, first, out of love for Baby Amanda, and a desire to vindicate this Child, but, also, out of love for you, that you be not lost, that you repent so as not to lose your own salvation, but instead, like many Saints of old, go from a life of sin to a life of holiness! Repent deeply in your heart for brutally murdering Precious Baby Amanda Marie (and for making a show of her death on the air, the death of a fellow human being and a baby at that!), as well as your part in the murders of any other children in the womb which you have committed, resolve now to no longer kill children, and then live a life of intense reparation.  Go to Jesus Christ and His Church, the Catholic Church, for the graces of forgiveness that you so desperately need.  We love you, and we pray for you, even if we are also, at the same time, extremely disgusted and angry at how you have treated Little Amanda (and so many others like her).

To the workers of NPR who aired the murder of Baby Amanda,

You missed something.

You say you described an abortion, but all we heard were some words about the mother and the machine.

Why didn’t you describe what was removed from this woman? What did the vacuum suction out of her?

At 11 weeks into pregnancy, the baby is 9 weeks old from fertilization. For comparison, the “Precious Feet” pins that  you often see pro-life people wearing represent a baby’s feet just a few days after this age. At 9 weeks, the baby is the size of a small tomato and just about every component of every body system is already present. The baby’s heart has already beat over 9 million times. At this age, the baby’s face, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet respond to light touch. The mouth opens and closes; the tongue moves. The baby can swallow amniotic fluid. This baby sighs, stretches, and moves his/her head. The baby has begun sucking her thumb, yawning, and grasping objects.

None of these facts are mentioned in the your report, including the fact that this entire body system is pulled apart by that vacuum and sucked down a plastic tube and into a collection jar.

Abortionist Harlan Raymond Giles was asked under oath, “Can the heart of a fetus or embryo still be beating during a suction curettage abortion as the fetus or embryo comes down the cannula? Answer: For a few seconds to a minute, yes.” (Sworn testimony given in US District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, May 27, 1999, Case No. 98-C-0305-S)).

That isn’t mentioned in your story either.

And as for what the staff did at the end of the day, it wasn’t just paper and stocks that they had to deal with. They had to dispose of the body parts – the parts of every body system that you and I also have.

We have similar words to you as we do to the abortionist and those who worked with him/her to kill Little Amanda: shame on you, NPR, for airing the brutal murder of a Baby in the womb, shame on you for dishonoring Baby Amanda Marie by flaunting her death over the air!  May God have mercy on your soul!  Your actions were beyond disgraceful (and that you used taxpayers dollars for such an atrocity makes it even worse)!  On the Last Day, when Jesus Christ comes again, you will see not only Jesus Christ Himself, but this Little Child, whose murder, whose death you made light of, and you will need to face this Child, and answer to this Child why you made show of her unjust killing, of her murder.  We pray that before that day comes, you will embrace the gift of repentance and receive the merciful forgiveness of Christ, which he so wants to give you.

To the public who heard the abortion which killed Baby Amanda,

By now, you see that, in listening to the abortion that was aired on NPR, you heard the killing, the deliberate killing, the murder, of a real baby, Baby Amanda.  Sadly, Amanda is hardly alone: thousands of Children across the nation (and many more around the world) are murdered in the womb daily as she was   This is the issue.  Our hearts should break over any child abuse, even over one child.  Our hearts should break even more over the murder of even one child!  And this is done under cover of “law” (it is an unjust “law” so not real “law” anyway. In the abortion of Baby Amanda, we most grotesquely heard one of these murders: we heard the murder of a real, living Baby, who, sadly, is no longer with us because of what happened to her in that abortion: she was unjustly killed, she was murdered, by the abortionist who murdered her.  Realize the horror of every abortion, realize the horror of this abortion, of the killing of Baby Amanda, honor her in your hearts, and then do all you can to end this most horrible of atrocities, legalized abortion.

In Christ and Mary,

(Signers of this statement).

To sign this open letter, please click on the following link:

Priests for Life to host day of mourning for baby whose abortion death was played on NPR

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(LifeSiteNews) — In response to the National Public Radio (NPR)’s recent airing of an abortion on live radio, a Catholic organization has called for pro-lifers to observe a day of prayer to honor the unborn child lost during the murderous procedure.  

Following the inspiration of Father Alan Bernander, O. Praem, the organization Priests for Life is calling on pro-lifers everywhere to gather together on December 3 to observe a day of prayer, fasting, and penance in honor and mourning of the death of a child whose abortion death was recorded and broadcasted on the radio by NPR. The now-deceased child was christened as Amanda Marie – which means “she who ought to be loved” – by the group of priests.

“We have to honor the baby that this abortion – and this broadcast – dishonored,” Priests for Life wrote in its letter to pro-lifers. “We have to bring to the light of day [to] what this broadcast deliberately hid in the shadows. We have to remember what this broadcast tried to make us forget. We have to re-humanize what this abortion and this broadcast de-humanized.” 

“And we have to make a big deal of what this broadcast trivialized,” they added.  

Priests for Life also issued an open letter which pro-lifers can sign, addressed to the mother of Amanda Marie, the abortionist who performed the murder, the NPR broadcasters involved, and all those who heard the broadcast, condemning the murder and calling for repentance.  

“We are with you, and God is with you,” Priests for Life wrote to Amanda Marie’s mother. “We are not here to condemn or punish you, but to express our love and care for you. We wish we could have helped you avoid abortion; and even now, we want to help you heal from its wound, as we have helped so many others.” 

“Dearest Mother, our hearts go out to you, our hearts weep for you, and your Child.  We know that you were already in a difficult place interiorly to even consider abortion and, now, having ended the life of your Child, you are most surely in an even darker, more difficult place (and, if you do not recognize that yet, dear Mother, in due time, if you are honest, you will realize that you are hurting, deeply hurting).  As many women who have had abortions have said, abortion does not merely hurt women, it destroys them.” 

“Repent of your sin, Mother, and Christ will forgive you, as will your Little One, Baby Amanda,” they wrote. “We pray that, one day, in the next life, that you will be reunited with your Precious Little One in an eternity of joy; we pray that you can begin to experience this reconciliation with your Child even in this life, through repentance and a life of reparation. ”

“Go to Jesus, receive the forgiveness that He offers through His Church (and the Sacraments of His Church), and then have hopeful confidence that, yes, one day, you will be with your child again in an eternity of joy. Amen,” concluded the group.

While the Priests for Life expressed their compassion for the mother of Amanda Marie, the group did not shy away from the reality that the abortion industry “preys on vulnerable women— women who are in difficult situations, experiencing confusion in their minds and fear in their hearts.”

“For, you know full well the development of the Child, you know full well that abortion rips apart that Child, and, thus, you know full well that abortion is, in a word, murder, and murder of the worst kind: murder of the most innocent, defenseless, and precious human beings – little babies! – and before these Precious Little Ones can ever enjoy even the light of day!” they continued.  

“Shame on you for murdering Baby Amanda!  We exhort you to repent of this brutal murder of a Precious Child in the womb, of Precious Baby Amanda, and that you go to Jesus Christ, begging for mercy. We exhort you to think about and picture Baby Amanda, and express your sorrow to her for taking her life!” 

To the NPR broadcasters who aired the live abortion, Priests for Life said that they “missed something.”  

“You say you described an abortion, but all we heard were some words about the mother and the machine,” they wrote. “Why didn’t you describe what was removed from this woman? What did the vacuum suction out of her?” 

Continuing, Priests for Life said that NPR’s actions were “disgraceful,” adding, “Shame on you, NPR, for airing the brutal murder of a Baby in the womb, shame on you for dishonoring Baby Amanda Marie by flaunting her death over the air!

“On the Last Day, when Jesus Christ comes again, you will see not only Jesus Christ Himself, but this Little Child, whose murder, whose death you made light of, and you will need to face this Child, and answer to this Child why you made show of her unjust killing, of her murder,” charged the pro-life priests.

“We pray that before that day comes, you will embrace the gift of repentance and receive the merciful forgiveness of Christ, which he so wants to give you.”

In concluding their emotional letter, the priests addressed those who listened to the NPR broadcast.

“Our hearts should break over any child abuse, even over one child. Our hearts should break even more over the murder of even one child! And this is done under cover of ‘law’ (it is an unjust ‘law’ so not real ‘law’ anyway.)” 

The group then called upon the listeners to realize that every abortion is the murder of an innocent child, and thus, a horrific act:

In the abortion of Baby Amanda, we most grotesquely heard one of these murders: we heard the murder of a real, living Baby, who, sadly, is no longer with us because of what happened to her in that abortion: she was unjustly killed, she was murdered, by the abortionist who murdered her.

Realize the horror of every abortion, realize the horror of this abortion, of the killing of Baby Amanda, honor her in your hearts, and then do all you can to end this most horrible of atrocities, legalized abortion.


New Jersey Democrats Scrap Amendment for Right to Kill Babies in Abortions Up to Birth

New Jersey Democrat leaders officially threw out plans for a pro-abortion state constitutional amendment over the weekend in response to division among party lawmakers and financial concerns from prominent pro-abortion groups.

Lawmakers did not make the details of the proposed amendment public, but the New Jersey Globe described it as an attempt to “enshrine abortion as a basic human right” in the New Jersey Constitution.

According to the report, state Democrat leaders wanted to put the amendment on the November 2023 election ballot for voters’ approval. To amend the constitution, the language must pass the legislature by a simple majority in two consecutive sessions and then receive approval from a majority of voters.

However, the plan received wide-spread push-back from both sides of the abortion debate and the political aisle. On Sunday, Senate President Nicholas Scutari and Senate Majority Leader M. Teresa Ruiz said they decided to scrap the plan, North reports.

“Although we strongly considered a proposal to amend the Constitution within the next year to further strengthen protections, after many conversations with stakeholders, we have decided that now is not the appropriate time,” the Democrat leaders said in a joint statement.

State Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin specifically mentioned Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union in his statement about canceling the proposed amendment.

“While we were open to advancing a new ballot question on reproductive rights before the end of the year, advocacy groups like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have asked us to hold off for the time being, particularly with battles occurring in other states where reproductive rights are at immediate risk,” Coughlin said.

New Jersey already has some of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the U.S. Killing unborn babies is legal for basically any reason without restriction, and the state Supreme Court is favorable toward abortion.

Because of the situation and the financial costs of convincing voters to support a pro-abortion constitutional amendment, Planned Parenthood of New Jersey leaders urged lawmakers to delay action, the New Jersey Globe reports.

Jackie Cornell, executive director of the abortion chain, said they do not want to spend “tens of millions of dollars” next year trying to pass the amendment. Instead, they plan to lobby the legislature to send more money to the abortion industry.

“We will continue to advocate for strengthening access to reproductive health care, including abortion, by breaking down barriers to getting care and making meaningful financial investments into providing care,” Cornell said.

According to, one of abortion advocacy groups’ priorities for 2023 is legislation that would force health insurance companies to cover elective abortions.

Here’s more from the report:

The amendment idea emerged as an intriguing strategic option for Democrats, who are feeling a measure of anxiety after Republicans flipped seven legislative seats in 2021. Compounding the concern is that a new legislative map gives the Republicans a fighting chance to reclaim control of the Legislature for the first time since the late 1990s.

According to the Globe, the proposal caused division among Democrat lawmakers, too. The pro-life Democrat organization Democrats for Life also spoke out against the potential amendment, as did Republican lawmakers.

“While Democrats have not shared their proposal publicly, we should oppose their effort on both moral and scientific grounds if it seeks to enshrine in our constitution the extreme idea that abortion should be legal right up until birth,” Senate Minority Leader Steve Oroho, R-Sussex, said in a statement.

Earlier this month, Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats For Life, criticized the proposal as “nonsense” in a state where abortions already are legal for basically any reason. She said state lawmakers should focus on supporting pregnant and parenting families in need instead.

“The legislature already removed almost any barrier to abortion earlier this year. Instead of this redundant idea, they should put energy into making a concerted effort to provide equity in pregnancy outcomes – particularly for poor and minority women who are over-represented in abortion numbers,” Day said.

New Jersey has the highest abortion rate in the country and some of the most permissive pro-abortion laws.

A state constitutional amendment on abortion would have made it much more difficult for voters and their elected state lawmakers to pass even moderate restrictions on the killing of unborn babies, such as a 15-week abortion ban, which polls consistently show most Americans support.

Earlier this year, New Jersey Right to Life warned voters about how extreme state Democrat leaders are on abortion. The pro-life group pointed to a USA Today editorial by Gov. Phil Murphy and Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver that admits they support late-term abortions and oppose parental consent for minors.

“They don’t care that the people of NJ don’t support such an extreme edict!” the pro-life organization responded.

Polls consistently show that a strong majority of Americans support legal protections for unborn babies after the first trimester, parental consent for minors and other limits.

A recent Harvard poll found 72 percent of Americans, including 75 percent of women, oppose abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Another Marist poll in January similarly found 71 percent of Americans oppose abortion after the first three months of pregnancy.

Even in Democrat strongholds like California, polls show opposition to unrestricted abortions through all nine months of pregnancy. For example, a Rasmussen poll in August found only 13 percent of California voters think abortions should be legal up to birth.

However, three states, California, Vermont and Michigan, passed pro-abortion amendments to their constitutions in November. Pro-life leaders warned that the amendments will void restrictions on late-term abortions and parental consent laws, and allow unborn babies to be killed for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy.

Pro-abortion activists dumped tens of millions of dollars into the states, funding massive misinformation campaigns that deceived voters about just how radical the amendments were.

Google quashed midterm ‘red wave’ by manipulating swing voters: Big Tech expert Robert Epstein

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Google and other giants of internet technology played a major role in preventing a “red wave” in last week’s 2022 midterm elections, according to research spearheaded by American Institute for Behavioral Research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein.

For months, many on both sides predicted that Republicans would sweep into strong majorities in both chambers of Congress in response to President Joe Biden’s unpopular handling of numerous issues; instead, the GOP barely won a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and failed to wrest the Senate from Democrat control.

Epstein, a prominent tech researcher, wrote Tuesday in The Epoch Times that “almost no one is looking in the right place” for the correct explanation, and that Big Tech is in fact expanding the reach of “rumors and conspiracy theories” about it to divert attention from itself.

“Over a period of months, Google nudged undecided voters toward voting blue by showing people politically biased content in their search enginesuppressing content they didn’t want people to see, recommending left-leaning videos on YouTube (pdf) (which Google owns), allegedly sending tens of millions of emails to people’s spam boxes, and sending go-vote reminders on their home page mainly to liberal and moderate voters,” Epstein said. “These manipulations (and others) don’t affect voters with strong points of view, but they can have an enormous impact on voters who are undecided (pdf) — the people who decide the outcomes of close elections.”

Epstein’s team determined Google’s activities by monitoring the content seen by a panel of 2,742 politically diverse voters predominantly in swing states, primarily “ephemeral experiences” (EEs)— content such as text reminders that nudges people in a particular direction but does not linger to be reviewed after the fact and is not seen by anyone not targeted with it.

These researchers, however, preserved more than 2.5 million EEs. And while similar past warnings about Google’s influence on the 2020 election went unheeded, Epstein expressed hope that next year, “this large dataset might be used by authorities to go after Big Tech,” which he thinks “will almost certainly occur” in a GOP House.

Epstein also revealed that his team is “continuing to build a digital shield. “By late 2023, we’ll be monitoring the content that tech companies are sending to a representative sample of more than 20,000 voters and children in all 50 U.S. states 24 hours a day, and we’ll report suspect content to authorities and journalists as we find it,” he said. “This digital shield — the first of its kind in the world—will protect our democracy and our children from potential manipulation by current and emerging technologies for many years to come.”

“What’s more, if these stories are spreading like wildfire on social media platforms, that’s only because the tech companies want them to spread,” Epstein wrote. “The tech companies allow such stories to spread — or even force them to spread — to turn your attention away from the companies themselves. If you think that there were fake ballots, you won’t pay attention to the fact that tech companies might have shifted millions of votes in the midterms.”

Many possible factors have been identified as potentially contributing to Republicans’ underperformance, with competing factions of the conservative movement currently holding fierce online debates as to which are most to blame.

Among them are Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell withdrawing financial support for certain candidates; former President Donald Trump redirecting midterm donations to his own organization instead of midterm candidates and his elevation of questionable candidates in Republican primaries; Democrats themselves funding weaker Republican candidates in primaries; potential election fraud and Democrats’ effective harvesting of early votes and mail ballots; establishment Republicans failing to offer a compelling contrast to Democrats over the last two years; and the long-term results of left-wing bias in media and education.

Biden and Harris tout ‘power of women’ in pro-abortion midterm speech

WASHINGTON (LifeSiteNews) – President Joe Biden delivered remarks on Thursday to a group of Democrat Party supporters wherein he focused on abortion and the alleged “right” to terminate unborn life as the central issue of the midterms.

He said: “Those who support ripping away the rights to choose don’t have a clue about the power of women in America, but now I think they do.”

Vice President Kamala Harris gave the opening remarks. After saying “votes are still being counted” she went on to say that Democrats “sent a message to the entire world” that “democracy is still in tact.”

As votes are still being counted, the Republicans look to be inching closer to a House majority, while the Senate race is still up for grabs, with outstanding votes to be counted in areas with heavy Republican support.

Pointing to the termination of unborn children, Harris said: “One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling a woman what to do with her body.”

Referring to those who voted against rights for unborn children she said “thank you” which was followed by applause.

Biden began his remarks by saying he was thankful to supporters for “fighting like the devil” in the run-up to the midterms.

He quickly moved onto the economy, which he said was doing well, despite the record inflation that has taken place since he came into office.

The President went on to say that the election results were evidence that left-wing voters “beat the hell out of” opposition to abortion in the wake of the Dobbs decision that saw Roe v Wade fall.

Family & ProLife News Briefs – November 2022 Newsletter

by Frank Tinari, Ph.D., Life Education Council Board of Trustees

This Month: Vote and Give Thanksgiving to God


Bishops Cite Life as Critical Voter Issue

Protection of human life from conception to natural death is stated by U.S. bishops as the pre-eminent issue of our time. Here is what they wrote: “The direct and intentional destruction of innocent human life from the moment of conception until natural death is always wrong and is not just one issue among many. It must always be opposed.” (USCCB, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, 28,

For us voters, we must set aside party labels when we vote. Instead, vote for candidates who promote respect for the dignity of each person, the core of Catholic social and moral teaching. “A candidate’s position on a single issue that involves an intrinsic evil, such as support for legal abortion or the promotion of racism, may legitimately lead a voter to disqualify a candidate from receiving support.” (FCFC, 42)

As individual citizens, voting with a moral conscience helps to promote the common good. We thank God for the privilege of voting in a democracy.

Thankful for Quality Films

  • The documentary, Mother Teresa: No Greater Love, had such great success in early October that it’s coming back with encore showings in early November.
  • The Chosen, Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2, will be shown only in theaters, Nov.18. A crowd-funded project, the first two seasons have attracted more than 380 million views, depicting a personal side of Jesus and imagined conversations with his Apostles and others. The actresses shown here have all been touched by the dramatization, and many viewers say they have been deeply affected by the show.
  • Blonde (Netflix’s Marilyn Monroe drama) – Debuted on September 28, the film is a fictionalized version of Monroe’s life, based on a book by Joyce Carol Oates. Unlike in the film, Monroe’s three  pregnancies ended either in miscarriage or were ectopic. What is accurate, however, is a CGI depiction of what an unborn child looks like when Marilyn discovers she’s pregnant, including the baby’s beating heart. Visiting her mother, she talks about how her unwed mother bravely chose
    life. The language becomes powerfully pro-life as she points out there would be no Marilyn if her mother had chosen abortion. After becoming pregnant again, she imagines her baby talking to her from the womb, asking her not to hurt him/her. (Dawn Slusher, Planned Parenthood Outraged by Powerful Pro-Life Scenes in Netflix’s Marilyn Monroe Drama,, 10/3/22)

Why Continue a March for Life in DC?

(Jeanne Mancini, President,
With the wonderful blessing of Roe v. Wade being overturned, a goal we have marched for since 1974, some say there is no longer a need for the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. But the fall of Roe means the battle for life must be fought on two fronts now: state and federal. At the March on January 20, 2023, we will present the strategic plan for building a culture of life in this moment in time. We will now march to the steps of
the United States Capitol. And we plan to be in all 50 states soon because we understand the power of unified, joyful masses of pro-life marchers who send a loud and clear message to legislators: Protect life!

We must tirelessly build a culture of life on Capitol Hill, and advocate for the advancement of federal pro-life policies. And we must also march in our state capitols, urging our state legislators to pass life-saving protections for the unborn. Last, we must continue to increase the safety net for moms and babies, especially by supporting pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes that provide love, compassion, and resources to women, children, and families.

Already, pro-abortion politicians in the U.S. House and Senate have voted in favor of the most radical expansion of abortion in American history, a bill deceptively named the Women’s Health Protection Act. If passed, this extreme bill would nullify existing pro-life state laws, prevent the passage of future state laws that protect the unborn, eliminate parental-consent laws, and force taxpayers to pay for abortions nationwide up until birth. Neither can we leave hard-fought victories like the Hyde Amendment vulnerable to attack. This longstanding policy limits government funding for abortion in appropriation bills, protects taxpayers and saves lives.

Pro-life pregnancy centers provide assistance such as education, support services and essential medical care to over 2 million people every year, offering millions of dollars-worth in medical, education and support resources. Maternity homes provide shelter and support for the first several years of the baby’s life. Pregnancy resource centers have saved more than 800,000 lives since 2016 and are favored by the vast majority of Americans. Everything they do is driven by love for the women who walk through their doors and a deep desire to see them realize their dreams without sacrificing their children.

Thanks to the incredible dedication and passion that you, our marchers, have shown throughout the years, we are emboldened to take these next steps in carrying out our mission to promote the beauty and dignity of every
human life by working for an end to abortion.

Aaron Judge Thanks His Adoptive Parents After Hitting Home Run #62

“Some kids grow in their mom’s stomach; I grew in my mom’s heart,” Judge said. “She’s always showed me love and compassion ever since I was a little baby. I’ve never needed to think differently or wonder about

In early October, the 30-year-old Yankees slugger, who was adopted as a newborn, broke a six-decades-old record when he hit his 62nd home run. After the game, he told reporters that his family was at the front of his mind as he ran around the bases. A Christian, he has been open about being adopted as a baby and the incredible blessing that his parents, Wayne and Patty Judge, have been throughout his life. “The guidance my mom gave me as a kid growing up, knowing the difference from right and wrong, how to treat people and how to go the extra mile and put in extra work, all that kind of stuff. She’s molded me into the person that I am today. I was about 10 or 11 and we really didn’t look alike, so I started asking questions and they told me I was adopted and answered all my questions, and that was that. I was fine with it. It really didn’t bother me because they’re the only parents I’ve known.”

Judge said he knows that God brought them together  — his parents say their son has been a huge blessing in their lives. (Micaiah Bilger,, 10/5/22)

Dear Frank, your newsletter continues to be among the best I receive. Thank God for your faithfulness. Judie Brown, American Life League

Teen Fights to Stop Transgender Surgery

At a moment in which most politicians and media outlets lack the courage to speak out, 18-yr-old Chloe
Cole, a self-described “former trans kid” who de-transitioned after undergoing years of puberty blockers and an irreversible double mastectomy at the age of 15, is leading the fight. Traveling across the nation, she shares her story to raise the alarm about gender transition procedures on children, a growing trend she calls “child abuse” and “medical experimentation.”

Cole was just 11 yrs. old when she was first exposed to gender ideology through online platforms. It didn’t take long before medical professionals fast-tracked her into medically transitioning from a girl to a boy, a trend she says has exploded among children. Cole was put on puberty blockers and testosterone at age 13. She continues to experience joint pain from weakened bone density, a known side effect of puberty blockers, as well as certain allergies and ongoing urinary tract infections. But this pales in comparison to the double mastectomy she underwent at age 15. “I wasn’t really thinking. I was a kid, just trying to fit in, not thinking
about the possibility of becoming a parent.”
(excerpt from Edie Heipel, Meet Chloe Cole,, 9/24/22)

Some “Experts”: Marriage is an outdated institution, a relic of a patriarchal past

A 2019 article in the Atlantic sought to inform readers of “What you gain when you lose a spouse,” while the
New York Times explored an America “Beyond Marriage.” A recent story in Bloomberg assured us that “women who stay single and don’t have kids are getting richer” than their peers who are married with children.

There’s just one problem with such anti-nuptial and anti-natalist reporting: It’s completely false. In fact, the Bloomberg story uses data only from single Americans, meaning there is no basis for comparison with married women. Married mothers ages 18-55 have a mean household income of $133,000, compared to $79,000 for childless, single woman 18-55, according to data from the U.S. Census’ American Community Survey.

Thirty-three percent of married mothers ages 18-55 say they are “completely satisfied” with their lives, compared to 15 percent of childless women 18-55, according to the American Family Survey. Single, childless women are about 60% more likely to report feelings of loneliness compared to married mothers. Living for ourselves & our jobs is a dead end for most of us, whether we are a man or a woman, something that’s pretty obvious to most people.

Meanwhile, giving of ourselves to others, especially to our spouse, kids, and community, is the path most
conducive to a meaningful and generally happy life. And because marriage allows couples to pool income and assets, it also leads to a heck of lot more prosperity for the average Joe and Jane.

The happiest women in America today are those least likely to be following the profoundly self-centered and anti-family catechism of our ruling class. To be a happy and prosperous woman, be open to the gifts of marriage and children and look for opportunities to embrace family life as a key part of a rich and meaningful life. (Brad Wilcox and Alysse ElHage, Newsweek, 10/4/22)

OB-GYN Dr. William Lile Speaks Out

“It’s now possible to operate on babies while they are still in the womb. The umbilical cord of a baby can be transfused with donated blood as early as 18 weeks gestation to treat severe anemia in babies. Babies are patients and deserve legal protection like the rest of us.” Nicknamed the Pro-Life Doc, he says: “All patients, including preborn babies, have rights. It’s time to stand up and fight for the rights of the Pre-Born.” (

This free monthly newsletter is used by dozens of churches as a bulletin insert, and since 2013 has had over 30,000 readers. To receive each month’s issue in your inbox, email Frank Tinari, Ph.D. at

WATCH: Joe Biden Insults Reporter, Confirms He Supports No Limits on Abortion

(LifeNews) – During a brief exchange with journalists today outside the White House, Joe Biden insulted a reporter and confirmed he supports no limits on abortions.

Just days after a rally in which he pledged to sign a bill legalize abortions up to birth nationwide, reporters asked him whether he would support any limits on abortion. Biden insulted the reporter by assuming he had never read or had no understanding of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision that allow abortions on demand and told him to “get educated.”

Reporter: “Should there be any restrictions on abortion at all?”

Biden: “Yes. There should be.”

Reporter: “What should they be?”

Biden: “It’s Roe v. Wade. Read it, man. You’ll get educated.”


The Roe decision overturned abortion bans and allowed abortions up to birth nationwide — prohibiting states form banning abortions until after viability. This essentially means Biden supports abortion on demand up to birth without any limits because that’s what Roe allowed and what occurred in many blue states.

Meanwhile, Biden now wants the federal government to follow what private pro-abortion groups are doing — setting up funds to pay for abortions and abortion travel expenses for women who need to go to other states to have abortions because their home state protects unborn babies. He wants to supports the establishment of a federal fund to cover all abortion costs with tax dollars.

These new remarks come after Biden’s rally earlier this week where he said his number one domestic priority is signing a bill for abortions up to birth.

Biden urged Americans to elect more Democrats to Congress in November so that lawmakers can force states to legalize taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.

Speaking Tuesday to the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., the president said a bill to “codify Roe v. Wade” is his top priority, and Congress needs more Democrats to pass it, Fox News reports. The bill actually would go beyond Roe by forcing states to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions for basically any reason up to birth.

“In these midterm elections, it is so critical to elect more Democratic Senators to the United States Senate and more Democrats to keep control of the House of Representatives,” Biden said. “If we do that, here’s the promise I make to you and the American people: The first bill I will send to the Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade.”

Nicknamed the Abortion Without Limits Up to Birth Act, the legislation would force states to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions for basically any reason through all nine months of pregnancy.

The bill, which Democrats named the Women’s Health Protection Act, also would end bans on sex-selection abortions and taxpayer-funded abortions as well as parental consent for minors. It also would jeopardize legal protections for doctors and nurses who refuse to abort unborn babies.

The U.S. House passed the bill earlier this year under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi, but it narrowly failed in the Senate, which is split evenly down party lines.

Election experts predict Democrats will lose control of the U.S. House and possibly the Senate, too, in November. Americans are upset with Biden and Democrat lawmakers about their actions on the economy, crime, education and more, so Democrats are banking on the abortion issue to win votes in November.

“Vote! You’ve got to get out the vote,” Biden said Tuesday. “We can do this if we vote.”

The president attacked Republicans as “extreme” for wanting to protect unborn babies with a bill to ban most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, and promised to veto any pro-life legislation that reaches his desk.

“If Republicans get their way with a national ban, it won’t matter where you live in America,” Biden said, NBC News reports. “So let me be very clear: if such a bill were to pass in the next several years, I’ll veto it.”

Responding to the speech, Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote, said Biden’s abortion advocacy is appalling, especially as many families struggle with the rising cost of food, fuel and utilities.

“While Americans struggle with record inflation, the president of the United States has nothing to offer but a pledge to expand the right to violently destroy innocent unborn children – up until birth and for any reason,” Burch said. “We need Church leaders to step up and make clear that no Catholic can support candidates or policies that would make America one of the most extreme abortion nations in the world.”

Although Biden professes to be a devout Catholic, his actions have made him the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history. Last year, his administration began allowing abortion drugs to be sold through the mail without a doctor’s visit. Biden also wants to get rid of the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for elective abortions, and force VA hospitals and emergency rooms to abort unborn babies.

Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, warned that babies and women will suffer if Biden achieves his goals.

“Instead of supporting life-affirming programs and policies that help women and their unborn children, the Biden administration has poured its focus into promoting unlimited abortion, even late in pregnancy,” she said in response to his speech Tuesday.

At the same time, she said Biden and Democrat leaders have been vilifying the life-saving work that pro-life advocates do daily to help save unborn babies and support families in need.

Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, predicted that Biden’s attempt to swing voters won’t work.

“Ninety percent of Americans reject Biden’s view that abortion should be legal up until birth for any reason – paid for by taxpayers,” she said Tuesday. “Our country is facing significant challenges and looking for positive solutions, not more violence and death. It is time for Americans to hold pro-abortion politicians accountable.”

Polls consistently show that Americans – including many Democrat voters – support legal protections for unborn babies. Polls show strong public opposition to taxpayer funding for abortions and late-term abortions, and support for laws that protect unborn babies from abortion after the first trimester or once their heart begins to beat. Americans overwhelmingly support parental consent for minors, too.

A 2022 Marist poll found that just 36 percent of Americans believe abortions should be legal without any restrictions. Additionally, 73 percent oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions.

Similarly, a 2021 Associated Press poll found that 65 percent believe second-trimester abortions should be illegal and 80 percent believe they should be illegal in the third trimester.